Serum x Moisturizer

Serum x Moisturizer

Serums and moisturizers are relatively common skincare products. What exactly is the difference between them, however? Besides for the difference in the texture and feel of these products, as you’ll find that serums are generally lighter and thinner, It’s important to know that serums and moisturizers help the skin in unique, distinctive ways.
Stop Diaper Rash in its Tracks

Stop Diaper Rash in its Tracks

Diaper Rash, a relatively common form of dermatitis, can be quite an uncomfortable experience for the baby going through it. Most parents would do everything in their power to sidestep this recurring inflammation if they only knew how.
What They Didn't Tell You About Artificial Tanning

What They Didn't Tell You About Artificial Tanning

Many of us still haven’t heard of the harmful effects of self-tanners. Whether it be tanning beds or self tanner products, the lotions, sprays, and gels that are applied on the skin, it’s important to know how these can effect your skin, both in the short and long term. After looking for some answers, we found that self tanning is rarely, if ever, a healthy tanning option. 
Natural Healing Remedies - Then and Now

Natural Healing Remedies - Then and Now

What’s with all the hype around natural products? Statistics show a tremendous increase in the customer’s choice of natural products over products using chemicals and preservatives. The “natural” trend is currently the most significant trend in the personal care industry. 
Simple Tips to Radiate Beauty

Simple Tips to Radiate Beauty

Beauty is something we all strive for, men, women, children, and older folks alike. It is an important aspect of every day life, both independently and socially. There are so many factors that could make a person beautiful, whether it be personality, style, values, energy or even the sound of their voice. 
Binging on Botox: The After Effects

Binging on Botox: The After Effects

Nowadays, the pressure of having smooth, glowing, and picture-perfect skin is more prevalent than ever. With the influence of social media, many people are invested in upkeeping and maintaining their looks. In addition to that, influencers and celebrities often sport unrealistic, and oftentimes photoshopped, smooth, perfect skin, which creates a higher demand for a product that helps us achieve celebrity-status skin. Since being approved for cosmetic use in 2002, Botox has become a multi-billion dollar industry. 

Collagen Boosting Foods

Collagen Boosting Foods

Collagen is a structural protein that is located throughout many areas of the body, including the skin. There is a reason “collagen is becoming a buzz word in the beauty industry, as it supports the skin’s structure, it’s plumpness and qualities of elasticity. As we go through life, a build up of damage from the sun and environmental exposures, together with the aging process, deplete our collagen count and production levels. Fear not! We can now naturally boost our collagen production levels by eating these foods:
Healthy Hands

Healthy Hands

Besides our faces, our hands are the most commonly exposed parts of our body. They are essential in completing simple day to day tasks. We use our hands for a variety of things and, at times, they go through a lot to get things done. At times, we don’t realize the pressures we put on our hands and we do not care for them the way they should be cared for. It’s our responsibility, to the longevity of our hand-health, to take the time to keep our hands looking and feeling great! There are things you and I can do regularly to ensure our hands stay strong, fresh, and happy!
burn, first degree burn, second degree burn, third degree burn, fourth degree burn, thermal burn, radiation burn, friction burn, chemical burn, electrical burn, cold burn

Know Your Burns

There are many different types and even degrees of burns that can afflict somebodies skin. These factors are largely dependent upon the reason of the burn and how critically the skin was damaged. For example “open flames” are generally among the usual causes of people getting burned. However, there are various other causes. These include friction burns, cold burns, thermal burns, radiation burns, chemical burns, and electric burns. The degree to which the skin is damaged is also grouped into four categories by medical experts as first, second, third, and fourth degree burns. 
healing, wound, cuts, burns, cascade of healing, stages of healing, cream, lacerations, eczema, psoriasis, revitalizing, nourish, calm, sooth

The Cascade of Healing

The purpose of this phase is to fill and cover the wound. Three stages occur within this phase. First, connective tissue fills the wound and new blood vessels are developed in the area. Next, the “borders” of the wound contract and pull together towards the center. Lastly, epithelial cells  are brought forth until they cover the entire wound.
Natural Revitalizer, moisturizer, face cream, skin care, day cream, night cream, skin care for men, skin care for women, dry skin, sensitive skin

You Are What You Sip

Moisturizers and serums are usually the go to when considering skincare regimens, however it should be known that the natural glow can be achieved by drinking the right drinks! Staying hydrated is not just a tip, it is necessary and vital for your skin’s health and beauty.
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7 Tips To Prevent Diaper Rash

We know that diaper rash is never fun. However, diaper rash is relatively easy to treat. Seeing some red bumps on your baby’s bottom is a part of the parenting process. When urine and stool are pressed on the skin for a period of time, they break through the skins protective barrier and results in a rash.
Natural Revitalizer, moisturizer, face cream, skin care, day cream, night cream, skin care for men, skin care for women, dry skin, sensitive skin

#IWokeUpLikeThis - Beauty Sleep Is Real

When you’re deprived of sleep, the body produces more cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone.” When the levels of cortisol begin to elevate, stress and inflammation begin to rise with it, which has a direct effect on the skin. The visible consequences could be swollen eye lids, darkened under-eye circles, paler skin, more wrinkles, and fine lines.
Natural Revitalizer, moisturizer, face cream, skin care, day cream, night cream, skin care for men, skin care for women, dry skin, sensitive skin

Wondering What Foods Will Enhance Your Skin?

Everything you eat becomes a part of not only your inner system, but the outer make up of your body as well. The opposite is also true. If we give less significance to the importance of eating a healthy diet, the detrimental effects may show up on your skin. If you want truly vibrant and younger looking skin, invest in a healthy skin diet!
Natural Revitalizer, moisturizer, face cream, skin care, day cream, night cream, skin care for men, skin care for women, dry skin, sensitive skin

A Closer Look At Stem Cells in Skin Care

Plant stem cells, an ingredient group in our Natural Revitalizer, are increasingly being appreciated for their powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The cosmetic and beauty benefits of using stem cells are evident. They assist in protecting the skin from sun damage and they rejuvenate the skin by refreshing the face with a skin lifting effect.